Saturday, March 23, 2013

‘I like to be a mystery’

She is most wanted by every commercial filmmaker and being in her teens she could hit the jackpot for every forward step she takes.
Born with a silver spoon in her mouth, the 25-year-old starry-eyed lass who emerged as one-of-the most-sought-after actresses in the domestic cinema and tele-drama fields said “if I can be a puzzle and a mystery to me and to the world, I think that would be wonderful. I know it is the hardest thing being a celebrity.
Excerpts of the interview the Youth Observer had with gorgeous and cute and most importantly sensible young actress and politician, Anarkali Aakarsha.
Q: Why did you select acting or politics as your professional career?
A: Being a daughter, an actress or a politician you have to give some sort of importance in your life. At the end of the day, whatever the role you play, it means responsibility. In my professional career as an actress I always try to bring something new to the audience and it is my ultimate objective in everything I do.
For example at the time I stepped into politics, it was hard to find young people who had chosen this as a profession. Now the situation has changed. Whatever I do I try my best to entrust myself 100 percent, irrespective of the role I play.
Q: If you had not become an actress or a politician, what profession would you have selected and why?
A: Then I would have ended up being a lawyer. When I was young sometimes I dreamed about being an astronaut and then to be a super model and sometimes to be a psychologist. But when I was 17, I seriously considered being a lawyer. Even though my parents were in the film industry, the invitation for me came so suddenly and even before I realised I was in the process which moves on and on. However, I don’t regret it, because when you are in a court room, you only hear the stories of your clients but if you are an actress or a politician you get the opportunity to move with so many people. I think in a way I have made my dream come true.
Q: Tell us briefly about your childhood? Who is your role model and what specific reason did you choose him/ her?
A: I think it is a petty thing to have ‘A role model’. However, when I was young, of course that made sense but no more. After a certain age in life I think we realise that we can learn things from everybody. It is important to be selfless and try to listen and learn from everybody and I think that’s one good thing that I learnt with maturity.
Q: Who influenced you mostly in your life and to which extent he/ she had an impact on your life?
A: I think it is my mom. I would say she has guided me so well rather than being influenced by others. Whatever the success I have attained in life is because of her guidance. She’s my ‘guardian angel’ who gave me strength and assures me that whenever I fall she’s there to catch me.
Q: What was the hardest decision you have taken so far in your life?
A: I think that I’ve taken to stop being conscious of what other people are thinking of me. It consumes you. To maintain a good perception about you in people’s mind is quite important but to be unconscious about the negativity that people put towards you is equally important. The bad things that you hear about, you would stay with you even more than the good things. It was quite a hard decision that I’ve ever taken in life dealing with yourself.
Q: What do you consider the most advantageous point associated with your character?
A: Being ‘me’ is the biggest advantageous point in my life, because I can go anywhere in the world and introduce myself as a role model of youth in my country.
Q: What do you consider the weakest point in your character?
A: I think I’m an extremist. If I wanted to do an extreme sport I would do the most extreme sport in the world which may be life threatening. This applies to everything in life including love. If I love somebody I will do it with all my heart. So this applies vice versa too. I think that’s my weak point.
Q: If you are compelled to live in any other country, which country would you choose and the reasons for it?
A: I would never choose another country to live other than my motherland Sri Lanka. Though most of my family members and friends live in other countries, I really can’t get away from Sri Lanka for a long time because this is the country which gave me everything. Since I Studied in an International School I really regret that I couldn’t learn religion and cultural philosophies much. But now I try my best to catch up what I lost and I find really interesting learning Sri Lankan history and religions and many other cultural rituals. With that learning I fell in love with my motherland. So I won’t leave this precious land ever and I think it’s a beautiful thing to connect with our roots.
Q: Tell us about your family and your childhood?
A: My childhood has been blessed in many ways. I was born to the best parents in the world who have guided me and have opened many doors for me. My dad Jayantha Jayatilaka was the director of the Film Location Services and my mum, Indrani Jayatilake is a fashion designer for Hollywood films made in Sri Lanka. I had a carefree childhood spent doing the things I loved the most - on film sets watching actors and actresses dancing.
Q: Your views and experience on your first love?
A: People say that you would never forget your first love. I think that’s true because it is one good incident that you change so many things in life. It is like the first day in school, you don’t know what to do and what you are going to expect. That feeling is quite spontaneous to anybody.
Q: What are your impressions of today’s youth?
A: I think they are amazing. Unlike earlier generations they never settled down with what they have but they try for the best. Most importantly the emotional attachments are less among them which I think as a progressive character in a way but not all the time. By living in the new millennium the potential that they have in life is quite remarkable. For example if you have a friend who is funny, earlier very few of your friends would know about him. But today you simply can shoot him/her on your mobile phone and upload that on Youtube where the whole world is going to know about your friend within a few seconds. It is a known fact that with technological development the world is getting smaller day by day. I think Sri Lankan youth are quite aware of this changing world and they can compete with their talents and definitely there’s a place for them in the outside world.
Q: If you are given an option to change one thing in society, what would it be?
A: In our society still women are not being given the due respect. Even woman talks about an other woman in a bad way which I think is quite a petty character for a progressive society. Without a woman there won’t be life. It is important to learn how to respect our motherland, our mothers, sisters, girl friends, wives and every woman.
Q: How do you spend your leisure?
A: I read. I listen to music. I love photography and I enjoy being behind the camera and capturing the people and things around me.
Q: How often do you respond to public/ fans requests?
A: All the time I try my best to respond to my fans. I think the reason they reach out to me is they think that they can really connect with me. I respect that.
Q: If there is a fast-spreading gossip about you, how would you react?
A: when I was sixteen and seventeen I was such a cry baby and I used to be upset about all the gossip and rumours spreading with my name. But not any more. I think now I’m mature enough to understand the fact that if the great characters like Lord Buddha or Jesus Christ sometimes dishonoured by the people, who am I? I don’t get mad any more or sad about good or bad rumours about me.
Q: Do you agree that there could be an element of truth in some gossip stories doing the rounds?
A: No, I think people like to say that they know me a little better than someone else and this is quite human and innocent. It’s quite easy to cook a story about somebody else whom you don’t know than about somebody who knows you.
Once you get to know about them, it’s quite hard to say something without thinking twice. Sometimes it’s unbelievable the things that I heard about myself through my friends.
Q: What are your future plans, goals and objectives?
A: 2013 I think would be a great year in my life and there is so much of work flooding in. I wish to complete all my work that I undertake successfully. I hope this year too I can make a mark in whatever I do.

by Anuradha Kodagoda


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