Saturday, March 23, 2013

Prasanna Vithanage wins prestigious French film awards

WithYou, Without You’ by renowned film director Prasanna Vithanage has won two prestigious awards at the 19th FICA- Vesoul International Film Festival of Asian Cinema in France.

The Festival was held from 5h to 12th February 2013
The GOLDEN CYCLO Award, sponsored by the Conseil Régional de Franche-Comté was awarded for Prasanna’s film , ‘ WithYou, Without You’ - A portrait at once intense and poetic of traumatic conjugal life that reflects the devastation of ethnic conflicts and civil war.
The NETPAC Award (Network for the Promotion of Asian Cinema)was also won for "WITH YOU WITHOUT YOU" for its aesthetic quality and the sublime way of adapting Dostoevsky's story to the contemporary reality. Whenever love and humanity succeed in overcoming tragedy, conflict, and sufferings, only then they can win.
from - Mirror


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